Aberdeen Centre New 100 Bed Unit

In 2019 a newly completed 100 bed unit named The Aberdeen Centre was completed with the expertise and excellent team working by the design, construction, project management and Peamount Healthcare team. This Capital Project was jointly funded by Peamount Healthcare and HSE Capital Projects. The project was delivered on time and within budget.
The Paddocks Café was opened in September 2019, followed by the first patient who was admitted to Age Related Rehabilitation Unit on the 06 th January 2020. The Aberdeen Centre is situated within the current mature landscaped campus surrounded by newly developed wheelchair accessible sensory gardens and internal courtyards, with many bedrooms experiencing wonderful views of the Dublin Mountains.
The Aberdeen Centre is a fitting tribute to Lady Ishbel Aberdeen who founded the Women’s National Health Association in Ireland (1907) and established Peamount Healthcare as a leader in the management of tuberculosis.

Older Person Services

Residential Service
We are delighted to announce that on the 18th March 2020, Peamount Healthcare in consultation with residents, families, HSE and HIQA (Health Information and Quality Authority), transferred all residents from the Older Person Residential Units (St Patrick’s and St Ciaran’s) to Unit 1 and 2 on the ground floor of the newly opened Aberdeen Centre.
The Aberdeen Centre is situated within the current mature landscaped campus surrounded by newly developed wheelchair accessible sensory gardens and internal courtyards, with many bedrooms experiencing wonderful views of the Dublin Mountains. With natural light throughout the building, individual spacious patient ensuite bedrooms, bright dining and living accommodation and therapy spaces. Residents and staff are settling in well to their new homes.
Post-Acute Rehabilitation Service

Unit 3 in the Aberdeen Centre which provides 12 post-acute Older Person rehabilitation beds is open since the 6th January 2020 and continues to provide active rehabilitation for patients identified during their acute stay at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH). Once medically stable, with identified rehabilitation goals patients transfer directly from Tallaght University Hospital to Unit 3. To date (March 2020) there has been great outcomes for the 42 patients admitted with 34 discharges and an average length of stay of 22.8 days. Direct feedback from the patients and staff has also been very positive.

Patient quotes:
CNM quote:
Geriatrician quote: