The Health and Wellness Centre
Peamount Healthcare is committed to ensuring service users social needs are supported in their local community and on Peamount Campus. The Health and Wellness Centre provides services to patients, residents, service users from the local community and staff. The centre offers active recreation, leisure and therapeutic supported activities delivered by the meaningful activity team and allied health professionals. Person-centred programs are delivered in small groups and with individuals. The Health and Wellness Centre champions community inclusion, encourages the building of new relationships, offers opportunities for people to experience a variety of social roles that include friendship, contributing to the community and gaining new skills in a safe and fun environment. The Health and Wellness Centre promotes the 7 dimensions of wellness, the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, occupational and environmental which are important to improve and lengthen lives. The centre is a welcoming and safe space. The Courtyard Café is open in the Health & Wellness Centre with beautiful gardens, meadows, and panoramic views.